Location: RAAC Memorial & Army Tank Museum, Puckapunyal, VIC, Australia
Date: April 2006
This series of images shows a completely bare Centurion turret shell, as used on the Centurion Mark II onwards.The turret used on the Mark I was unique to that mark, and its body was fabricated from cast and welded flat plate components.
The turret mounted on the Mark II had a completely cast body with welded top plate and was used, with detail variations, for the rest of Centurion gun tank production.
Apart from the resilient features embodied in mantlets introduced with the Mark 8, the turret structure and fittings played no role in determination of Marks.
Except for the change from Mark I to Mark II, Centurion turrets varied remarkably little over their long service life, especially considering they absorbed two upgrades to main armament.